Melt in the mouth Art (Food painting)

Just a very speedy post tonight if I want to get it on in time.  Yes, its’ the EclecticAsylumArt man again – this time speed painting with chocolate syrup using a spoon!  Is there any end to this artist’s ingenuity and talent?  So far we’ve seen him painting with MacDonalds ketchup, Vegemite on toast, cheesy puffsContinue reading “Melt in the mouth Art (Food painting)”

Art uncovered and recovered – Gideon Rubin

I have just discovered the artist  Gideon Rubin.  His expressionistic art, does not rely of the facial features to put across mood or sentiment, he lets the body language speak for itself.  The artist uses subtle tones to convey mood and meaning into the blank expressions of the figures.  Here’s a quote by the artist;-  “Quickly scrapingContinue reading “Art uncovered and recovered – Gideon Rubin”

Woollen Graffiti?

Quite by chance I came across a new urban  art form.  It’s called  Yarn storming, It’s a  kind of woolly graffiti which is made by knitters to brighten up the streets last summer.  I’ve written about  the fabulous Christo and Jeanne Claude, the artists who wrapped buildings and places of interest, this isn’t quite in their league though….. Continue reading “Woollen Graffiti?”

Spread the Art !

I came across yet another unusual art medium.  This artist uses vegemite and bread to create their art!  Nine pieces of bread and some vegemite, a butter knife and away you go – almost instant art.  When we are children we are told not to play with our food, but when we are adults – lookContinue reading “Spread the Art !”

Art I LOVE – Jack Butler Yeats

Jack  (John) Butler Yeats (b. 1871 – 1957  (London) was the brother of the Irish poet William Butler Yeats whose poem ‘He wishes for the cloths of Heaven’ I featured the other day.  Yeats started out as an illustrator usually depicting scenes of Ireland.   His style had elements of Romanticism but in 1920 his styleContinue reading “Art I LOVE – Jack Butler Yeats”

Happy 10th Birthday Tate Modern!

The month of May is nearly over and I cannot let it pass without wishing Tate Modern a Happy 10th Birthday.  I have been to the Tate Modern many times and seen quite a few exhibitions.  The Tate Modern galleries are built  in the space of Bankside Power station which closed in 1981 and the buildingContinue reading “Happy 10th Birthday Tate Modern!”

He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven

It’s a beautiful day (again) and I’m not used to it, but it shall not stop me praising it (softly) in case it hears and goes away which happens so often with English weather.   So I’ve sunshine outside, – I look on Lesliepaints blog and what do I see but sunlit paintings bathed in lightContinue reading “He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven”

The Big Ship Sails (from the Fourth plinth)

I wrote a bit about Antony Gormley’s Fourth Plinth project (One and Other) a while ago here and here.  The empty plinth in Trafalgar Square London  UK attracted a lot of criticism  at the time.  People who volunteered for this were chosen randomly and each allotted an hour to perform on the plinth (one very hour).   This lasted from Continue reading “The Big Ship Sails (from the Fourth plinth)”