Critique Corner -‘Germany before the war’

Here’s an abstract piece I did a while ago.  I thought it would be a good one to critique.  When I was young I loved anything which was ‘free’ like most children.  I would go into wallpaper shops and beg old wallpaper books to cover my school books.  I loved the patterns colours and texturesContinue reading “Critique Corner -‘Germany before the war’”

My Surfaces: Alchemy

In the ‘Alchemy’ project, the objective was to experiment with unusual media.  Of course I had a field day!  This is the cover, which consists of two cardboard covers (back and front).  The pages are held in place with a big clamp. The media use  consists of silver paper rolled up and shaped into theContinue reading “My Surfaces: Alchemy”

Favorite Artists: Anselm Kiefer and my Birthday

Hooray it’s my birthday today!  One of many, too many and I celebrate it with one of my favorite artists Anselm Kiefer, German painter and sculptor b.1945 …….. and by going to work.  A bit of a drag eh, but I really couldn’t get the time off this time. Kiefer studied under fellow German artistContinue reading “Favorite Artists: Anselm Kiefer and my Birthday”

Altered art book Page 19 Behind the Curtain

Continuing my Altered art book: page 19: the words I have chosen are; He had a moment of clairvoyance He turned cold inside and something tightened in his head…… I had a bit of a job with this.  Why had I chosen those words so long ago?   ‘A moment of clairvoyance’ what does itContinue reading “Altered art book Page 19 Behind the Curtain”

Shaking the dead by the Finger

styx In this painting , I used ink, some acrylic and filler.  I tend to use a lot of this as an impasto, it mixes well with acrylic and gives a nice surface for painting on using inks etc.  Originally this painting was called St Michan’s, after the Church in Dublin, where I spent my birthday shakingContinue reading “Shaking the dead by the Finger”