Modigliani sculpture – fetches a fortune

Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920 Livorno, Italy) primarily known as a  painter, is known to have produced about 27 pieces of sculpture in his lifetime. The latest piece to be sold is a 65cm sculpture, made of Limestone and called ‘Tete’ was snapped up at a Paris auction for a mere 43.2 Million! The sculpture was from the GastonLevy collection. Continue reading “Modigliani sculpture – fetches a fortune”

Art for Arts sake?

 Unbelievable that 6 important pieces of art have been stolen from the  Museum of  Modern Art in Paris!  How fine is the security of these buildings?  Considering the priceless works of art they house – sadly not good enough it seems to keep greedy thieves out.   The crime is estimated to have taken place at  6.50 am Thursday.   The singleContinue reading “Art for Arts sake?”

Happy Birthdays Dear Artists!

My section about celebrating artists birthdays is growing quite nicely.  There are lots of artists I want to write about but I don’t seem to have the time.  Those I do write about, I tend to make it brief.  I hate it when it’s an artist I really like and I’ve missed the birthday grrr! Continue reading “Happy Birthdays Dear Artists!”

My 231st Post, Not to be the Last one…

I can’t believe it’s my 231st post already!  Where does the time go?  So far, I have managed to blog approximately 226 days out of the 231, so I’m very happy with that!  The next update I will do is when I reach my 250th. So what have I actually written about? (in the lastContinue reading “My 231st Post, Not to be the Last one…”

Happy Birthday Dear Modigliani!

It’s Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani birthday today.  He was born in Italy in 1884 and died  in 1920.  Modigliani led a typical bohemian lifestyle, but with more excesses than most.  He was marked for an early death by contracting TB whilst young. Modigliani’s style is his own though.  He is not easily classified, though he isContinue reading “Happy Birthday Dear Modigliani!”

Kubla Khan Killer Cocktail: Don’t try this at home

Today I came across a book I hadn’t seen in a while.  Funnily enough I was writing about the author in my post ‘Bohemians at heart? or an Ass in Bohemia?’  The author is Nina Hamnett, Queen of Bohemia: the title is ‘Laughing Torso’.  The book is a first edition 1932 and contains reminiscences of Hamnett’s Bohemian lifeContinue reading “Kubla Khan Killer Cocktail: Don’t try this at home”