Happy Birthday Chaim Soutine!

Today is the birthday of Expressionist artist Chaim Soutine (b 1893 – 1943 Belarus)  Soutine who was inspired by classical painting in the European tradition and he favoured colour, texture and shape over representation.  His work acted as a bridge between traditional approach and the evolvment of Abstract Expressionism. Soutine was born near Minsk (when it was part of the RussianContinue reading “Happy Birthday Chaim Soutine!”

Legacies; Goodbye Helen Frankenhaler

On 27th December 2011, the death of New York Abstract Expressionist Helen Frankenhaler was announced.  The artist was 83 years old (b 1928 Manhattan USA) died at her home in Darien Conn. Frankenhaler, influenced by Pollock poured thinned oil paint which was diluted with turpentine directly onto canvas to achieve lyrical use of colour (her ‘soakContinue reading “Legacies; Goodbye Helen Frankenhaler”