Uncovered and discovered: Maya Angelou

I came across this poet the other day and was very touched and moved by this beautiful poetry.  Maya Angelou (born 1928 USA).  She has been called ‘America’s most visible autobiographer.  She wrote this poem in 1965 and I think it’s as relevent today to our human situation and the things we take for granted – things we thinkContinue reading “Uncovered and discovered: Maya Angelou”

Watched – Bunny Lake is Missing’

I’ve had this DVD for some time, and watched it once a long time ago.  Last night I decided to re watch it.  It’s a very strange atmospheric film.  It stars Laurence Olivier, Keir Dullea, Carol Lynley, Martitia Hunt (the original Miss Haversham in David Lean’s ‘Oliver Twist’)  Anna Massey and Noel Coward among others.  This 1965 film hasContinue reading “Watched – Bunny Lake is Missing’”

Weird and Wacky Andre Perugia – Strange shoes

We’ve not had any strange shoes for quite a while – so here’s  some new ones I found recently.  Incidently I had half an inch taken off some heels of mine recently.  It may be only half an inch, but they difference this makes to actually being able to walk in these shoes is amazing:) French shoeContinue reading “Weird and Wacky Andre Perugia – Strange shoes”

Art Discovered and uncovered Berlinde de Bruyckere

This is the start of a new category.   Art discovered and uncovered is about artist who are either famous or unknown.  The only criterion for their inclusion is that I have never come across them before and I find them interesting – I hope you will too. Berlinde de Bruyckere’s  (b. Ghent 1964) work caughtContinue reading “Art Discovered and uncovered Berlinde de Bruyckere”

Put the flags out – and eat them!

  A few days ago I did a post on the artist Arcimboldo.  this artist used food, plants, flowers and even book in his paintings.  I thought that these flags of the world would be the perfect complement to the use of food in art, so here’s three I found;- The flags were part of aContinue reading “Put the flags out – and eat them!”

Hiawatha sings

I used to love the poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and used be able to recite some of it.   Quite by accident I was reminded again of it after stumbling upon Mike Oldfields Incantations album (1978).  There is a wonderful track that uses part of this poem, sung  by Maddy Prior, whose voice  soars and swoops.  I’mContinue reading “Hiawatha sings”

Behind the paint ‘Susanna and the Elders’ by Artemisia Gentileschi

It’s about time we had a woman painter in the ‘Behind the Paint’ category – and who better than Atremisia Gentileschi the daughter of Orazio Gentileschi (1563 – 1639) an Italian Baroque painter, very much influenced by Caravaggio.  He was  quite an important painter at the time and admired.   Orazio Gentileschi went to Paris whereContinue reading “Behind the paint ‘Susanna and the Elders’ by Artemisia Gentileschi”