On with the Motley

I’ve been very busy at the moment doing all sorts of things.  Some of it  involves getting my house straightened, which is boring, boring, coconut flooring.  Still blogging on Bookstains  (not as much as here) and have written quite a few poems lately (my Arachne rising seems to have arisen again after all these years!).  ItContinue reading “On with the Motley”

My 180th Post: A Labour of Love? or a Love of Wittering on?

Well its my 180th post!  I have only missed 4 days since I started at the end of November last year.  What do I find to write about every day?  Well, not a lot sometimes I admit, but I still manage a paragraph or two.  What do I expect to gain from doing it?  IContinue reading “My 180th Post: A Labour of Love? or a Love of Wittering on?”

Time and Tide and all that waits for who and what?

So much to do in this blog and not enough time to do it: at least not in the way I want to.  Some of the stuff I mention, I want to write more deeply about, but time being at a premium, I find myself skimming the surfaces and using links.  It’s not that IContinue reading “Time and Tide and all that waits for who and what?”

Spring cleaning this blog (well, thinking about it anyway)

A quick one today, as I have to go to work soon (whilst I still have a job to go to!).  I have quite a lot of stuff to be getting on with regarding this blog: it could do with a Spring clean!  I might change the format also because I have been  having trouble withContinue reading “Spring cleaning this blog (well, thinking about it anyway)”

100th post on my birthday

  Well it’s my birthday today, well actually it was yesterday 8th March, but I was  working so I had to celebrate it today (well, tonight actually) so I’m not going to rant on, just post a birthday pic of me to mark the time passing.  It’s also my 100th post.  Sometimes Iask myself whyContinue reading “100th post on my birthday”

The Secret of Invisibility – revealed

  Well. I can’t get over it!  Absolutely NO one looked at my blog yesterday!  Thats the first time too.  Where has everyone gone to?  I don’t understand it, I seem to have become invisible lol!  I could market this……  I wouldn’t mind so much but it was a nice long post for once ! Continue reading “The Secret of Invisibility – revealed”