Picture this Poetry Challenge: Haiku ‘The Bedroom at Arles’ Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh painted three versions of this painting ‘The Bedroom at Arles’.  This is the third  version he painted in 1889.  He painted it whilst waiting for his mother to visit him in a Lunatic Asylum in  St Remy.  He was to commit suicide 10 months after this painting.  He called his chair ‘TheContinue reading “Picture this Poetry Challenge: Haiku ‘The Bedroom at Arles’ Vincent Van Gogh”

Weird and Wacky Design: Hats off – A riot of Springtime Promises

Even as  these trying times are upon us, everything in the garden is blooming lovely. Seasons don’t fear the reaper and will come and go as they please regardless. Continuity of life , maybe not quite  as we once knew it, but there will a continuity nontheless. So if you are finding it hard toContinue reading “Weird and Wacky Design: Hats off – A riot of Springtime Promises”

Happy Birthday Georges Braque!

Le Viaduct de L’ Estaque   Georges Braque b. Paris, France (1882-1963) was a  painter, collagist and draughtsman, sculptor and printmaker. His major contribution to  Art History is through Cubisim, which he founded and developed alongside   his close association with  Picasso during the 1908-1912 period. Houses at de L’Estaque He also participated in Fauvism andContinue reading “Happy Birthday Georges Braque!”

Happy Eccentric Birthday Salvador Dali!

  Today is the birthday of the Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali (1904 – 1989)  As I have already written a post about the artist (here) I thought it might be fun to take a look at the personality of Dali the man – the fun bits.   This video I think shows the artist’s very individuality.  Dali illustratesContinue reading “Happy Eccentric Birthday Salvador Dali!”

Scream, Scream and Scream Again!

Today is the anniversary of when the famous painting ‘The Scream’ by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863 – 1944) was recovered undamaged where it was first stolen in February 1994 from the Oslo Museum.  It had been missing nearly 3 months. Artist and printmaker Munch explored themes of madness, jealousy and sexual awakening, among other psychological states.  His childhood was tragic.  HisContinue reading “Scream, Scream and Scream Again!”

Art I LOVE – Pierre Bonnard

French artist and printmaker  Pierre Bonnard (1867 – 1947) was  one of the founding members of Les Nabis.  Les Nabis were a group of avant-garde Post Impressionists who distorted colour and composition to  decorative effect.  Bonnard was interested in unusual and unexpected angles and aerial perspectives – greatly influenced by Japanese prints. It is this which links him with Vuillard and theContinue reading “Art I LOVE – Pierre Bonnard”