My 427th post summary

I thought that it was time for a little summing up of what’s been happening on here.  This is my 427th post now.  So far (fingers crossed) I have managed to blog very nearly every day last year.  My goal for this year is not to miss one day out.  What am I finding to blogContinue reading “My 427th post summary”

‘Books, books, books, – so many but never too many’

My reading is coming along great, already on page 110 of my Flashback book challenge.  As you probably know, I am tracking my findings on my other blog ‘Bookstains’.  however my reading is overtaking my writing!  Just to whet my appetite further I have found some other books which I wouldn’t mind re -reading ‘Diary ofContinue reading “‘Books, books, books, – so many but never too many’”

‘Flashback Challenge 2010 Here’s my list’

I’ve enrolled on the ‘Flashback challenge’ On Aarti’s blog BOOKLUST.  I’m still not too sure how to make a button work though.  I can make a button, well kind of,  but I can’t make it work.   By working I mean invert, press inwards, though it does work as a link.   Confused? I am.  I haveContinue reading “‘Flashback Challenge 2010 Here’s my list’”

Flashback Challenge: Decisions and Decisions….

Books books, books.  I am still reading Norman’ Collin’s ‘London Belongs tome’ at the moment (a thick book  which I am very much enjoying).  I am then going to read Chris Firth’s ‘Branwell Bronte’s Barber’s Tale’.  Then it will be time to take the  Flashback Challenge.  This challenge’s the reader to read a number ofContinue reading “Flashback Challenge: Decisions and Decisions….”

Time and Tide and Other Old Washing Powders that make Life easier but no Slower

Not much of a post today, I’m afraid, just been very busy indeed.   Found a cousin I haven’t seen for about 40 years so we have a lot to catch up on!  There’s not enough hours in the day sometimes – yet other times,it seems to hang heavily.  I have loads to do in theContinue reading “Time and Tide and Other Old Washing Powders that make Life easier but no Slower”

Book Graveyard: They are not Dead, They are only Sleeping

Free books!  In February this years people filled their socks  and anything else they had on them with second-hand books from an Amazon abandoned warehouse!  Read the story HERE Books, books, books!  I have books piled up all over the place.  I have too many books.  I’ve sold some, given  some away, but still IContinue reading “Book Graveyard: They are not Dead, They are only Sleeping”