‘Angels of Anarchy’ Women Surrealists Exhibition

Just a short post today.  I have had a lovely day out in Manchester.  A bit of shopping, a lovely meal and an art exhibition.  The  exhibtion at the City Art Gallery is called ‘Angels of Anarchy’ Women artists and Surrealism, and what a great exhibition it was! I made quite a few notes, andContinue reading “‘Angels of Anarchy’ Women Surrealists Exhibition”

Happy Birthday Dear Frida Kahlo! Feliz Cumpleanos!

It’s Mexican painter Frida Kahlo’s birthday today (b. 1907 – 1954)   This celebrated artist contracted polio when she was 6 years old, which left her with a limp.  A horrific  bus accident  in 1925 left the young girl with serious injuries, including a fractured pelvis and spine.  It was whilst recuperating  that she began to paint.Continue reading “Happy Birthday Dear Frida Kahlo! Feliz Cumpleanos!”