Poll: -Who do you LOVE?

 I’ve now completed 622 posts!  In all those posts I have never yet tried the poll application out.  That is about to be remedied!  Anyone who reads this blog regularly will know that I have featured some rather unusual artists.  But which artist have you enjoyed the most?  These aren’t really famous artists (like Freud, HirstContinue reading “Poll: -Who do you LOVE?”

A Living Likeness

  A long time ago I came across camouflage artist  Emma Hack whose work I found innovative and impressive (see my post ‘Discovered and Recovered).  Another post featured camouflage artist Lui Bolin.  This artist played with the idea of invisibility to make political statements  here .   Alexa Meade is different type of artist though – one whose art that I have yet toContinue reading “A Living Likeness”

Discovered and uncovered – Emma Hack

I’ve only just discovered Australian artist, 37-year-old Emma Hack and already I am entranced by her work.  Emma describes herself as a Diverse multimedia artist, Skin illustrator, photographer and Sculptor.  She camouflages her model’s bodies by painstakingly painting them.  She then positions the model against the wallpaper then  photographs them.  See how she does this in this video.  It is worth watchingContinue reading “Discovered and uncovered – Emma Hack”