Masquerade – A celebration of Masks

Inspired by my Ghost of Christmas Past on my Echostains insta, I’ve resurrected a video I made for my art blog (echostains). It’s all about masks 😷

It’s been a while since I posted.  I have been busy  compiling another video – a  a celebration of masks from history, cultures and of course art.  The most prolific artist who featured a lot of masks in his work was probably James Ensor ( 1860 –  1949) and many of his mask paintings are featured in this video. 

Picasso, Matisse and Watteau also appear in the video, along with masks from different cultures.  There’s even a few quirky ones (knitted) which I’ve added and a few TV characters who are famous for wearing masks.  Hope you enjoy the video (and recognise some of the paintings)

Many image credits here;-

Picasso here here here

Pietro Longhi here  and here Magritte here Banksy here   Eileen Agar here  and here Salvador Mayol

Thomas Eakins    Louis Emile Durandelle   Man Ray Brancusi  Zeng Fanzhi  Watteau Diane Dooley Natalie Holland

Green Man  Abriginal  and here  Chinese, Japanese and Greek mask here  American Indian Indian  Roman Chinese


Another Poetry challenge over on Bookstains!  Just click and go!

14 thoughts on “Masquerade – A celebration of Masks

  1. WOW!!!!! I love this video. The music is great and I think you covered the subject of masks wonderfully! Right down to one of my favorite TV stars, The lone Ranger! Thank you for this trip through masks! 🙂

    1. Thanks Leslie – I’m really enjoying making these (though the credit links take a lot of time) I really like the Masquerade Waltz by Kacheturian too, I spent ages looking for that music. I always preferred Tonto to the Lone Ranger – I don’t know why really – he was a man of very few words 🙂

  2. You are truly creative! Interesting collection especially the 3-sided mask — as if one isn’t enough 😉 I was once fascinated with masks and had my collection but there came a point when I was scared just looking at it that I have to dispose all of them. Looking back, it represented how I felt, how I wanted to be real with my feelings — to finally let some people know that I’m not okay and I’m hurting and I hate them. Funny how suddenly they all say I am their favorite and they love me. If they’re wearing mask they will get tired of it too; if not, thanks a lot 😉 As for me, woot it feels good to not wear any, to see my face change from time to time — frowning, smiling, crying, funny, blank…

    Thank you Lynda I got to share my feelings! Hugggggs 🙂

    1. I love that 3 sided mask too bendedspoon! Its interesting what you say about masks, and so many people wear them and don’t even realise it. The ‘how are you?’ greeting is almost always answered with ‘oh I’m fine…’ even though you’re not. Venice is the place for masks. I still have some leather mask earings I got from there years ago. My mask these days is make -up 🙂 i can’t go out without it 😀 😀 and it takes longer and longer to put on, even though I wear less 🙂 Of course you get to share your feelings here bended spoon! and I always know that they are truly honest ones! Hugs back!

  3. That’s a great collection of masks, Lynda. I always find those death masks eerie. I clicked onto some of the other videos YouTube recommended when yours ended – the venetian masks are beautiful.
    At 4 minutes long that video must have taken some time to upload to YT, unless your connection is faster than ours! Nice music too.

    1. Thanks Jessica! It was quite quick to upload really – a few minutes. I think they must be making youtube faster or something it did used to take forever. Glad you enjoyed the masks 🙂 There’s a lovely new poetry challenge over on Bookstains which I’m sure you will like 🙂

  4. What a fascinating selection. Those knitted masks are most unusual. I’m not sure whether I like them or find them slightly sinister, some resemble the balaclava hats worn my the IRA. And did I spot the mask from those films ‘Scream’? The stretched skeleton one? You must be dreaming of masks in your sleep now!

    1. Yes Wendy – a Scream mask. The first time I saw someone in one of these I nearly had a heart attack :-0 The knitted ones are really strange indeed……I can imagine a very sinister old Granny knitting them, sat in her rocking chair – in her Gingerbread house and cackling as her needles click away 😀

      1. Lol. And her grandson and grandaughter run into town with them and sell them to unsuspecting tourists. The Grimm Brothers missed out on this storyline!

          1. Hehe, that’s very cute. A clever link up by you! And Tim Burton to direct the movie, I think, with Helena Bonham Carter as Granny.

    1. I think you mean the Banksy one K! Thanks! ‘Im getting into these videos, really love doing them now. The credits links take the most time though 😦

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