Poetry Challenge: Vincent could have told you

Just Click the Van Gogh image to take you to the video

Everyone has heard Starry Starry Night By Don Mclean,  the beautiful song about Vincent Van Gogh.  There is a line in it which says:_

But I could have told you, Vincent,
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you…….

(here’s the song I mean – also called ‘Vincent’)

The challenge is to watch the very short video that features all Van Gogh’s self-portrait and imagine what the artist might be trying to convey through these portraits – in other words if he could speak – what do you think he would he want to say to us?  Alternatively you could just write a poem about Van Gogh the man or his work.  The poem can be as profound as you want, or as daft as you like:)  it can be long, short or even a haiku. Put it on your site and link to mine and  I’ll make a page putting all the poems dedicated to this on my blog with a link to yours.   (You can copy and paste the image if you want).  The title of the poem is ‘Vincent could have told you’ That’s the challenge!  Are you up for it?

Please post your poems either under comments – or if you prefer sent me an email and I’ll put them on.

Here’s the first of the poems!  this one is by Kserverny aka Artswebshow.  please check out his blog it’s fantastic!


Oh why did the ladies never love me.


As i sit here in my velvet chair.

Chains of smoke swirl around me.

My dinner left lingering by the door.

Painting for the purpose of inner peace.

My thoughts, they say.

Oh why did the ladies never love me?

Life looks back in fall.


Relying for my income on dear little brother.

Oh the shame, it makes me insane.

I burn and cut for you people.

Yet none will look my way.

Stewing in my little bed.

Oh why did the ladies never love me?

Life looks back in fall.


The tormented candle flickers softly now.

Obsessive working grips me tight.

No interest gained off local peers.

I fear my end is in sight.

I softly said.

Oh why did the ladies never love me?

Life looks down in winter.


People tread upon the floor.

Above the sunflowers fill them with awe.

Such a valuable epiphany,

Of a time travelled long before.

The painting remains silent.

Ladies flock around him.

Standing proudly on the wall.


POEM NO: 2 is by bended spoon who has a very upbeat and positive website – guaranteed to raise a smile (this is the second time he’s made my day!  Please check him out:)


Van Gogh

are you aware

what you have put me through?

well, echostains

invited me to a poetry challenge

though i am not a poet.

but for the fun of it

here it is.

i see that you are obsessed

with your myriad faces.

don’t tell me you’re not

why paint a lot?

kidding aside,

i admire you man

we both lack self-confidence

but still we want to give happiness.

so i guess what you are trying to say

in your self-portraits is,

‘no sense in taking thy own life

for thy own life has sense’.

Poem No:3 is by Linda Kruschke who has a lovely homely and welcoming blog!  please check it out:)

Vincent Could Have Told You

Faces change
My face changes
With the seasons
With my mood
I paint a changing me

But I remain
Beneath the face
What I call God
That which is love
It does not change

Poem No:4 is by Debbie Feller whose blog has ‘simple poems  and simple faith’ please check it out!

I paint from the mirror
turning away to hide
my bad side
the eyes remain

Poem No:5 is by opoetoo who has a great blog full of poetry and musings – please give it a visit and you won’t be disappointed!

Ground /between stones

I feel the world turn

In your face

Of  clay on canvas



up through the hard ground

Corn for crows to pluck and pillage

……………………… Corn enough

to feed the wonder of this planet


Poem No: 6 is by Adam Dustus who is a novelist, poet and graphic artist.  He has a very well established blog and there’s lots to interest poets, writers and artists alike!  Well worth a visit!

Light stricken, anxious eyes
Painting beautiful expressions sublime
Puddling tears that Starry Night
Too late, my work now recognized

Could not foresee what happened to me
Now millions on sales tags
Downloads to computer screens
Broadcasts of honors in stellar HD
Even documentaries all about me
Scandals, art thieves,
Dedicated museum wings
Sunflower posters
Mass produced grief… 


Yet curation now kind
Since I razed my prime
They think priceless being
A tortured mind

Only my faces and work survive
Absinthesizing swirls refined
Depression claimed another life
Still art without end
Beyond my time


Poem No: 7  is from Steve whose blog ‘Heednotsteve’  has a bit about everything (but mostly fiction and poetry).  its a good one so please give it a visit!

I know you

or at least
I know
your face

pale forehead
and faint brow,
high cheeks

your somber face

the contours
and creases
of it

backwards to me, convenient

set mouth
and the eyes,
I know the eyes

unflinching – I’ve never seen them closed

I know
your face

your sad

hopeful and doubtful

as if
I might tell you

about you

as if you might
by patient

know me

PoemNo:8 is by Fireblossom.  Her blog Shay’s word garden is full of original poetry.  Check it out!

Vince, hi.


What? Oh, I’m fine. You’re sweet to ask.


What up?

“Dawg”. Ha ha.

Are you, like, still doing drawings and stuff?

Yeah? You’re pretty good. Seriously, dude.

You should, like, maybe take a class or something.

Have you ever signed up for an art class? No?

I think the community college offers them.

I took, I don’t know, some computer thing there once…it was okay, I guess.

I met Rick there.

Yeah, Rick, this guy I’m seeing, or like, we’re hanging out and that.

Look, Vince, I need to tell you,

You’re a nice guy and all. Some girl is out there for you.

No kidding, a lot of girls really like beards. For real!

My friend, she’s totally all about dudes who look like these mountain men or something.

Hey, I didn’t mean…

It looks good. No lie.

But, Vince,

I’m not really into art or that, and Rick, he’s kind of into the whole surfer, keg party thing.

Well, what I mean is,


Here’s your ear.

I wrapped it in, I don’t know, this napkin from Chicken Shack.

I didn’t, like, use it at all, it’s clean.

Maybe they can re-attach it?

But dude, seriously,

Don’t, like, send me the other one or anything, you know?

It’s gross, I have to be honest with you.

Really thoughtful,


Gross. As hell.

What were you thinking?

Oh, c’mon,

Don’t go all crumpled looking,

My dog does that and I can’t deal.

He’s at my mom’s now…

Well, I know, like you care, right? I just ramble, whatever.


So, check out those art classes.

Maybe you could even sell one of your paintings?

Use the money to buy a new jacket or something.

Good luck, Vince.

I gotta run, Rick hates it if I keep him waiting.

Peace, out.

And no more ears!

Later, dude!





car door slamming

engine starting

lipstick adjustment in rearview mirror)


What a fucking nut case!

Poem No: 9 is our first Haiku and its contributed by the wonderful Eva from the equally wonderfully artistic and poetical blog  47whitebuffaloThere’s lots of goodies there – please call in:)

eyes catching light play

all ways fleeting here to there

oranges splashing blues

49 thoughts on “Poetry Challenge: Vincent could have told you

  1. Sounds exciting but I feel like a lot of them would just say: “I am sad, I am lonely.” over and over again.

    I may try to do this in earnest, though. It sounds like an interesting challenge.

  2. I want to do it but dont have it write yet 🙂

    I can see the earth and feel wind and waves in every one of those pictures.
    I hope to see some good poems and also to make a contribution.

  3. ‘Oh why did the ladies never love me’ by Kseverny (Arts Web Show) Well done! Great stuff, lots of imagery and texture (the smoke, the velvet, the candle). You handled this with sensitivity and a touch of pathos. Vincent yearning to be loved and to have his work loved. Great!

  4. Great! Can’t wait to see this Adam! Going to leave this on for a couple of days then keep linking to it at the end of posts so its open indefintely, and all the poems will be on their own page. If successful I hope to have many more:)

  5. Just learned about this challenge, through bended spoon and Linda. I loved the other poems! They were soooo good. So I hesitate a little to add mine, but it’s all in fun, right? 🙂 Here goes . . .

    I paint from the mirror
    turning away to hide
    my bad side
    the eyes remain

    1. Good work Debbie! It’s true, the eyes do remain unchanged through the video, in fact the older he gets – the more brightly they seem to shine. They do say that the eyes are windows to the soul – so his remain unchanged! Good!

  6. Well done Adam Dustus! http://dustus.wordpress.com/ I would also like to add to my comments about your poem on your own blog that I think the poem addresses a lot of issues and the mystique surrounding this artist. ( Mass produced grief… ) ‘Although he was and is shamelessly exploited after death – I think he still does manage to retain a kind of mystique around him and his art. I also like the lines:_
    Only my faces and work survive
    Absinthesizing swirls refined
    Good poem!

    1. Great poem Steve! and it’s SO true – everyone DOES know Van Goghs face: everyone does empathise with him and feel they know him – in some ways he will always be accessible (but there are bits about the artist that we feel are exclusive to us). And you’re right about the eyes…….we’ve never seen them closed:) great contribution thanks:)

  7. Sorry fireblossom, I’ve tried my utmost to leave a comment on your blog but it won’t let me (plus tried google and wordpress IDs) This is what I commented (cut and pasted)

    Hhehe you certainly DON’T have to bow down or anything – just link to me
    I put your poem with the other contributers and give your blog a plug – no catch honest…

    Well fireblossom – its a different take on the old severed ear story:D But I kind of like the whole little scenerio you have going on there:) He may not have had an art class – but he sure could paint! Well done!
    I’ve put your poem with the others – thanks for your contribution – appreciated!

  8. dear leslie,

    i missed the fun. just give me time, to do a poetry on vincent van gogh. then i’ll come back linking the poem to your blogpost. very nice of you for putting up this one of a kind excitement. thank you.

    1. Marvin, I’m Lynda not the delightful Leslie:) and you have not missed the fun at all! The challenge is open indefinitely as all the poems are having their own page and the link to them will be at the end of future posts. I do hope you will participate – I KNOW I will get a great contribution from you:)

      1. oh, i am so sorry, lynda. anyway, the comment here is intended for you. i am still thinking for the right poetic material for our ever dearest van gogh.

  9. The moment I saw this on Richard’s site, I knew I had to do try this! 🙂 So here I am !!
    Had a lot of fun trying this out… Hope you like it too…

    I have linked to this page from my post as well… you might have received a pingback by now 🙂

    Thanks for hosting this super challenge! 🙂

      1. Gee.. the pleasure was all mine!! I am now trying to ask friends to take it up too… 🙂
        Read your comments on my post as well.. THANKS a ton!!!

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